Sports may be one of the great joys in life, but they can also be extremely expensive. This is especially true for children, who tend to outgrow their sports equipment almost as quickly as it is purchased. We buy a large variety of gear for all sports. Check out our Gallery to get an idea of the types of equipment we offer so you can see the kinds of used equipment we have already purchased. If you have a different type of equipment, or want to know if we may be interested in a certain piece, feel free to give us a call or stop by to discuss your consignment.
Trust our family owned and operated company to make participating in sports more affordable for your little athletes with a wide range of new and used sports equipment. Don’t rely on the big box stores for your sports equipment and repairs. Buy local and rely on the 30 years of experience behind our family owned and operated company.
Give great quality equipment a second chance at getting in the game by recycling used equipment, or get new equipment from top names at fantastic prices. Discover how affordable the best sports equipment can be.

Some of the brands we carry
- Brian’s
- Demarini
- Diadrora
- Eagle
- Franklin
- Graf
- Jackson
- Next
- Riedell
- Rollerblade
- Sterns
- Vaughn
- Warrior

Feel confident in your gear
Knowing you have chosen the right gear for your athlete is important. Trust that we fit every piece of equipment to ensure it is the right option for your athlete so he or she stays safe, comfortable, and healthy while reaching for his goals.

How much will I get for my equipment?
It depends on the brand, condition and seasonal demand. The way our consignment works is when your item sells you receive 30% of the sale price. We make it as easy as possible. Since we are a consignment store, we establish an account for you and usually pay you within 30 days after the item sells or offer you a store credit for trade.